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时间:2023-11-03  阅读:

讲座题目: Advertising Complex Financial Products: Outcome Versus Process Simulation in In-Feed Video Ads(复杂金融产品广告:信息流广告中的结果与过程模拟)

主讲人: 李小玲 教授 重庆大学





Understanding and stimulating consumers’ interest in complex financial product through in-feed ads is difficult for advertisers. This study explores how to use mental simulation (outcome vs. process) and design information quality cues for in-feed ads to gain more consumer clicks. Using a field study of a large Chinese insurance company, we find that applying process simulation to in-feed ads is effective in enhancing ad click performance while applying outcome simulation can significantly hurt ad click performance. The strength of these effects, however, depends on the information quality cues depicted in in-feed ads. Specifically, the effect of outcome simulation improves when in-feed ads incorporate more relevance cues, while the effect of process simulation is strengthened when in-feed ads highlight more criticality cues.(对于复杂金融产品而言,在信息流广告中了解和激发消费者兴趣是较为困难的。本研究探讨了在信息流广告中,如何利用心理模拟(结果 vs. 过程)和设计信息质量线索来促进消费者点击行为。通过依托一家大型中国保险公司的田野实验,我们发现将过程模拟应用于信息流广告之中能够有效增加广告点击量,而应用结果模拟会显著减少广告点击量。然而,这些效应的强度取决于信息流广告中所呈现的信息质量线索。具体而言,当信息流广告中包含更多相关线索时,结果模拟的效应会得到改善;而在信息流广告中突出更多关键性线索的情况下,过程模拟的效应会增强。)


李小玲博士,重庆大学经济与工商管理学院教授、博导,研究生院副院长。教育部青年人才,国家社科重大项目首席专家,重庆英才(第一批)、重庆市学术与技术带头人。研究领域为网络平台的市场创新,成果发表于Journal of Marketing Research, Information System Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 管理世界、南开管理评论等国内外权威期刊。她目前担任工业和信息化部产教融合产业实践教授、Industrial Management & Data Systems副主编,营销科学学报编委,获得William Davidson最佳论文、阿里活水十年创见者等荣誉。