李汛副教授 博士生导师 数理经济与数理金融系 Email: li.xun@whu.edu.cn 博士, 经济学, 美国康涅狄格大学 (2010-2014) 硕士, 经济学, 中国政法大学 (2008-2010) 学士, 经济学和数学, bwin必赢登录入口官网(2004-2008)
• 教学课程:计量经济学、数据分析方法、R语言、经济学与人类行为、动态优化
• 研究领域:健康经济学、行为经济学、企业创新、平台经济
• 研究专长:以行为经济学为基础,通过数据驱动进行公共政策和事件外部效应的分析和评估
• 副教授(固定教职),bwin必赢登录入口官网,2022年12月-至今
• 特聘副研究员,bwin必赢登录入口官网,2019年12月-2022-11月
• 助理教授,bwin必赢登录入口官网,2014年9月—2019年12月
• 中国世界经济学会(国家一级学会)理事
•Agribusiness: An International Journal杂志编委
•Global Health Research and Policy杂志编委
•AEJ: Applied Economics, Journal of Population Economics, China Economic Review, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Economics & Human Biology, Applied Economics期刊审稿人。
• 经济研究,中国工业经济,经济评论等国内重要期刊审稿人。
• 全国金融实验教学“智盛奖”优秀教师2021年
• bwin必赢登录入口官网弘毅优秀教育工作者2021年
• bwin必赢登录入口官网优秀班导师2020年
1. Han, L.,Li, X, Xu G. (2022) Anti-corruption and poverty alleviation: Evidence from China.Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Volume 203, 150-172,
2. Li, X., Lai, W.,Chen, X.*, Wang, Q (2022). Role of Professionalism in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Does a Public Health or Medical Background Help?China Economic Review,71, 1-21.
3. Chew, S., Huang, W.,Li, X.* (2021). Does Haze Cloud Decision Making? A Natural and Laboratory Experiment.Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,182, 132-161.
4. Alm, J., Lai, W.,&Li, X.* (2021). Housing Market Regulations and Strategic Divorce Propensity in China.Journal of Population Economics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00148-021-00853-2
5. Li, X. & Qiu, Y. (2021). Are More Children Better than One? Evidence from a Lab Experiment of Decision Making.China Economic Review. 69, 2021, 101653
6. Wang, R. Chen, X., &Li, X.* (2021). Something in the Pipe: Flint Water Crisis and Health at Birth.Journal of Population Economics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00148-021-00876-9
7. Li, X., Gong, J., Gao, B., & Yuan, P. (2021). Impacts of COVID-19 on tourists’ destination preferences: Evidence from China.Annals of Tourism Research90, 2021, 103258.
8. Li, X., Jiang, X., & Yang Y. (2021) Learning by P2P Bidding.Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics. https://doi.org/10.1080/16081625.2021.1879658
9. Li, X., Deng, Y., & Li, S. (2020). Gender Differences in Self-risk Evaluation: Evidence from the Renrendai Online Lending Platform.Journal of Applied Economics, 23(1), 485-496.
10. Dai, J., &Li, X.* (2019) Market Power, Ownership and Technical Efficiency: An Empirical Test for China’s Food Manufacturers.China Agricultural Economic Review, 12(2), pp. 275-294.
11. He, Q,Li, X.* & Wang, R. (2018) Childhood Obesity in China: Does Grandparents' Coresidence Matter?Economics & Human Biology, 29. 56-63.
12. Dai, J.,Li, X. & Cai, H.* (2018). Market Power, Scale Economy and Productivity: The Case of China’s Food and Tobacco Industry.China Agricultural Economic Review, 10(2), 313-322.
13. Li, X., Lopez, R. & Yang, S.*. (2018). Energy-milk Price Transmission at the Product Brand Level.Agricultural Economics, 49(3), 289-299.
14. Li, X.*, Lopez, R. & Wang, R. (2018). Energy Price Shocks and Milk Price Adjustments.Applied Economics Letters, 25(4), 268-271.
15. Yang, S., Li, D., Tao, Z., &Li, X.*. (2017). Search Engine Advertising for Organic Food: The Effectiveness of Information Concreteness on Advertising Performance.Journal of Consumer Behavior, 71(1), 47-56.
16. Schwartz, M. B*., Schneider, G. E., Choi, Y. Y.,Li, X., Harris, J., & Andreyeva, T. (2017). Association of A Community Campaign for Better Beverage Choices with Beverage Purchases from Supermarkets.JAMA Internal Medicine, 177(5).
17. Li, X.* & Lopez, R. (2016). Food Environment and Weight Outcome: A Stochastic Frontier Approach.Applied Economics,48(47), 4526-4537.
18. Li, X.* & Wang, R. (2016). Are US Obesity Rates Converging?Applied Economics Letters, 23(8), 539-543.
19. Puhl, R. M.*, Suh, Y., &Li, X. (2016). Legislating for Weight-based Equality: National Trends in Public Support for Laws to Prohibit Weight Discrimination.International Journal of Obesity, 40(8), 1320.
20. Li, X.* & Lopez, R. (2015). Do Brand Advertising Spillovers Matter?Agribusiness: An International Journal,31(2), 229-242.
• 数字经济发展对职业选择和收入分配的影响:海外前沿文献追踪与中国证据, bwin必赢登录入口官网海外人文社会科学研究前沿追踪项目立项, 2022,主持
• 解决相对贫困的扶志扶智长效机制研究(20&ZD168),国家社科基金重大项目,2020,子课题负责人
• 不对称信息下我国P2P网贷平台进出决策与投资者动态学习行为研究(71602149) 国家自然科学基金青年项目2017-2019,主持
• 中美贸易冲突对中国和主要贸易伙伴国的贸易的影响研究(N-08) 教育部国别区域研究项目2021-2022,主持
• bwin必赢登录入口官网自主科研项目 生猪疫情对我国猪肉市场价格波动、传导及市场力量的影响研究农业补贴对农企市场势力的影响机制研究2018-2019,主持
• bwin必赢登录入口官网自主科研项目 农业补贴对农企市场势力的影响机制研究2016-2017, 主持
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