李子明特聘副研究员 Email:liziming_idcc@whu.edu.cn 博士,佛罗里达大学 设计、建造与规划学院 城市与区域规划系, 博士(Ph.D.) bwin必赢登录入口官网 bwin必赢登录入口官网 政治经济学专业 经济学博士 学士,西北大学 经济管理学院 经济学系
• 2004.9-2008.6西北大学 经济管理学院 经济学系 本科
• 2008.9-2013.6bwin必赢登录入口官网 bwin必赢登录入口官网 经济学系 博士 (“1+4” 硕博连读)
• 2011.9-2012.6南京大学-约翰斯·霍普金斯大学中美文化研究中心 2011-2012证书班
• 2013.8-2013.11中国(海南)改革发展研究院 访问学者
• 2014.5-2019.5佛罗里达大学 建造、设计与规划学院 城市与区域规划系,博士(Ph.D.)
• 2019.10-2020.6佛罗里达大学Shimberg Center for Housing Studies,研究员
• 2020.10-至今 bwin必赢登录入口官网 中国中部发展研究院/区域与城乡发展研究院 特聘讲师
• 2022.9-至今 bwin必赢登录入口官网 bwin必赢登录入口官网 财税系 特聘讲师
• 研究领域:公共政策与城乡治理、城市社区可持续发展、住房问题、国家-地方关系
• 教学领域:中国经济改革与发展-双语、全球南方国家发展、混合研究方法、社会调研
Academic Awards
• First Place Award, Research Symposium Poster Competition, College of Design, Construction and Planning, University of Florida, 2018
• Dissertation Award, University of Florida, 2018
• Peter Kanavos, Sr. Memorial Award for Overall Excellence of a Graduating Planning Student, University of Florida, 2018
• Outstanding Student Award, The Johns Hopkins-Nanjing University Center for American and Chinese Studies, 2012
• Presidential Award, Nanjing University, 2011
• Graduate Student Awards, Wuhan University, 2008-2009 and 2009-2010
Travel Grants
• Five travel grants from DCP, Graduate School, and UF Honors Program, UFL, 2015, 2016, 2018
• Two travel grants from International Association for China Planning, 2011, 2018
• 《中国人口、资源与环境》、《国际城市规划》、Cities等期刊匿名审稿人
• Regional Studies Association会员
• Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning会员
• International Association for China Planning会员
• Ziming Li, Xiangming Chen, & Lei Wang (2022).A tale of two recoveries: uncovering the imbalance between state-driven production and private consumption in post-pandemic Wuhan, China,Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, online firsthttps://doi.org/10.1093/cjres/rsac031
• Lei Wang,Ziming Li (corresponding author), & Zhang Zhang (2022). City profile: Wuhan 2004–2020,Cities, 123, online first,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2022.103585
• Ziming Li, Abhinav Alakshendra, & Suzanna Smith (2021). A People-Centered Perspective on Slum Formalization Policy.Housing Policy Debate, online firsthttps://doi.org/10.1080/10511482.2021.1905025
• 吴比、李子明、杨汝岱、彭超:《农村政策执行协商会影响农民的政策满意度吗?》,载《中国农村经济》,2016年第4期。
• 王磊、沈丹、李子明:《农村集中居住改革中的实质参与:基于合约理论的分析》,载《经济经纬》,2015年32卷第1期。
• 李子明、王磊:《地方政府与包容性城乡一体化》,载《国际城市规划》,2013年第3期。
• 李子明:《分布式创新,区域创新体系与区域分工》,载《科技进步与对策》,2010第7期。
• 李子明、周群力:《超边际分析视角下的中国土地发展权与征地效率:基于效率与公正的内洽假设》,载《制度经济学研究》,2010年第3期。
• 张秀生、李子明:《“绿色信贷”执行效率与地方政府行为》,载《经济问题》,2009第3期。
• Ziming Li. Slum dwellers’ perception of neighborhood insecurity and empowering the marginalized among marginalized groups: Gender difference perspective, The 49th Urban Affairs Association Conference, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, U.S. April 24-27, 2019.
• Ziming Li. The missing institutional linkages in constructing slum insecurity: Exclusion, policing and slum upgrading in India. First Annual Urban Planning Conference at Alabama A &M University, Huntsville, AL, U.S. Feb. 22, 2019.
• Ziming Li. Rethinking informality and planning for safe and inclusive urban spaces: A case study of slums in Patna, India. The Annual Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), Buffalo, NY, U.S. Oct. 25-28, 2018.
• Ziming Li. Understanding livability: Social inclusion, happiness, and urban residents’ satisfaction with their living communities in 41 big cities in China. The 12th Annual Conference of the International Association for China Planning, Xi’an, China, June 31-July 1st, 2018.
• Ziming Li. Social inclusion, access to public services, and migrants’ family integration in China. “Urban China in a New Era” Urban China Research Network Conference, 2018. Wuhan, China, June 23-25, 2018.
• Shengfeng Lu andZiming Li, Impact of firms’ income tax reduction on employment: Identification through the corporate income tax reform in China. The 59th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics. Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, Dec. 16-18, 2017.
• Shengfeng Lu,Ziming Li, Abhinav Alashendra,& Bo Xiong. Provision of Public Goods and Intergenerational Occupational Mobility: Empirical Evidence from China,The Global Conference on "Prosperity, Equality and Sustainability: Perspectives and Policies for a Better World", The World Bank and the Institute for Human Development, New Delhi, June 1-3. 2016 (Book chapter in press)
• Shengfeng Lu& Ziming Li. Corporate Performance and Governmental Favoritism: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in China,the19th Annual Conference of The International Society for New Institutional Economics, Harvard University, Boston, U.S., June 2015.
• Qiwei Zhao& Ziming Li, 2012. Technology Spillovers, Spillbacks and Decentralization: General Equilibrium Model, Transnational Corporations and China International Conference, Wuhan, China.
• “Evaluating Economic and Administrative Linkages in Determining Firms Location Choice in Hajipur, Bihar,” funded by International Growth Center (IGC), Oxford University & London School of Economics,2014-2018 ($47,647),Co-PI,结题。
• “Understanding Slum Formation and Designing an Urban Housing Policy for Poor in Bihar,” funded byInternational Growth Center (IGC), Oxford University & London School of Economicsand the Department for International Development (DFID), UK government, 2015-2019 ($62,000),Co-PI,结题。
• “住房环境对居民健康的影响机制和优化策略研究:基于调研数据与大数据的混合方法”,北大-林肯中心2021-2022年度研究基金资助 (8万),主持,在研。
•“疫情重振的城市经济发展模式与政策优化”中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金bwin必赢登录入口官网自主科研项目(人文社会科学)(5万), 主持,在研。
地址:中国 武汉 武汉珞珈山 电话:027-68752883 传真:027-68754150 学院邮箱:EMS@whu.edu.cn 学院纪检邮箱:CDIEMS@whu.edu.cn 版权所有©2024 bwin必赢登录入口官网 鄂ICP备05003330号